Asian Glow Podcast w/ Clarence Angelo

   Welcome Back to Another Episode of the Asian Glow Podcast

    Something that can be a challenge is growing up as minority in an environment where most people don't look like you or come from the same culture. This can lead to you beginning to feel isolated and even disliking you culture. One way to rise above this is by surrounding yourself with people who are of the same culture and have similar backgrounds as you. Sharing experiences and hearing stories from one another not only cures that feeling of isolation, but can also help you see how much you have in common.  


Asian Glow Podcast is one that focuses on discussing stories whether they'd be weird, funny, sad or embarrassing about grouping up as Asian Americans. Creator and host Clarence Angelo is joined by several of his friends to talk about what is was like for them growing as Asian Americans who are also Generation Z. What's unique about this group is that they are all from different backgrounds. Clarence is Filipino, while his friends and co-hosts are Korean, Cambodian, Vietnamese, white and Taiwanese, and Chinese. This gives the viewers insight into how even though different ethnic groups within Asia share certain similarities, they aren't the same. Some of their discussions revolve around topics such as Asian representation, being an Asian American in middle school and high school, embarrassing stories from childhood, growing up in communities that are predominately white. With season two of the Asian Glow Podcast already started there's sure to be plenty more fun and interesting conversations. This podcast while it does dive into topics such as stereotypes surrounding Asian Americans and proper representation, is entirely fun and comedic. The hosts don't dwell on the negative things they've experienced and really want to show their audience, Asian, Half-Asian, and non-Asian, that they're proud of who they are and proud to be Asian American. 

Asian Glow Podcast is available on Spotify, Apple Podcast, YouTube, and Anchor


  1. Hi Caston,

    I found your blogs to be interesting and relevant, especially because we all know podcasts have really been gaining popularity over the last couple of years. I myself have been trying to really get into podcasts but have yet to find one that I fully enjoy. Thanks to your blogs, however, I now have several ones that I can try! The Asian Glow Podcast, touches on some important topics that many, including myself, can relate to. Like you mentioned, growing up as a minority can be a challenge/ultimately lead to a feeling of isolation. I think these type of podcasts, however, can help minorities feel understood and remain connected to their culture. I love the message and would be interested to learn about other podcasts that share that same focus. Thank you for the recommendations!

    -Anai Salgado

  2. I really feel like podcasts like these are quite important when it comes to the Asian American experience in the US. As you said, finding others with similar experiences helps you deal with potential dangers that society presents. And that seemed to become even more important during the initial heights of the COVID pandemic. I am sure you remember when there was an uptick in Asian American hate crimes and racism because of the spread of the virus. I feel like mediums like these, which can offer a light tone to the Asian American experience, help in more ways than one.


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