Voice Memos w/Simon Kim

    For many people, the idea of therapy can be an uncomfortable situation. You're spending a lot of money, sometimes close to two hundred dollars, just to talk to a stranger and usually not get any results right away. The concept of starting your own podcast and that being your "free" form of therapy is something that become more normalized within the past year. Voice Memos is a podcast hosted solely by Simon Kim, young college student and content creator. The name voice memos is alluring to how the podcast is setup as a place for Simon to voice his experiences and what's on his mind. Some of the episodes revolve around topics such as motivation and time management, finding inspiration, and setting goals for yourself. In addition to being a podcast host, Simon also has his own clothing brand called, Keep It Wholesome. This clothing brand, which just reached its two year anniversary, was launched with the intent of giving everyone small reminders to keep going. One of the things that's great about Voice Memos is that each podcast episode is short. One problem that's pointed out with podcast is that they can a times be too long and sometimes having too many people could result in them talking over each other. Having each episode feature just the host Simon means that they can feel less formal and give the impression you're listening to someone speak openly to you.

Voice Memos w/ Simon Kim is available of Spotify, Apple Podcast, and Radio Public.


  1. I totally agree with you that the idea of therapy can be viewed as uncomfortable and something to be avoided. It can be a long process and when people don't see fast results, they might consider it not to be effective. Having a much more casual approach like this podcast can help with that perception, for sure.


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