Know What I'm Saying

    Something that's become a growing trend is getting the most out of each day and working hard so that you can end each day feeling satisfied. While it's important to hustle and grind, it's equally important to take time to reflect and reward yourself for the work you put it. This concept while is easy to say and probably do, committing to it is another story. 

    Know What I'm Saying is a podcast hosted by Connor Campbell and Mark Rupp, where they discuss some of their opinions and experiences about university, work ethic, and partying. Something that many listeners can find interesting about this duo is that they live in Germany, giving a different perspective on University life. During their podcast episodes you'll hear Mark and Connor discuss the challenges that come with being a full time student at a competitive university, while also trying to find some balance between education and personal enjoyment. The work ethic that these two possess is discussed in some of their episodes such as "Actions over Words", "Take Control of Your Destiny" and "The Key to a Disciplined Mind". The mindset these two have and the ability to stay productive are some of the reasons why their podcast has earned a 4.9 out of 5 rating. 

    Productivity and maintaining a healthy mindset aren't the only highlights of this podcast, they also dive into relationships and other topics that may be on their mind. Their most recent episode "Roommate chronicles is an example of this. During this episode, Mark and Connor discuss their experiences having roommates while in university and how it can be an adjustment living with someone who can be the polar opposite of you. Don't let all their talk about university and productivity fool you into believing that that's all they're about. It's true that working hard is a topic of importance to them, but Connor and Mark never miss an opportunity to discuss the nightlife they experience while out in different places such as Germany, the UK, Lebanon, and Buenos Aires. The Know What I'm Saying podcast offers a healthy balance between giving the listeners insight on how Mark and Connor are working towards personal success at the age of twenty and knowing when to stop and celebrate your hard work. 

Know What I'm Saying is available on Spotify, and Apple Podcast. 


  1. This is a really good blog post, I relate to this often with school full time, 2 jobs and even my own personal life it can be alot. With days like our snow days we had today it really did help out with my mental health I checked in and even went to workout often times feeling like I don't have time for it. this was a really reflective yet connecting blog post thank you Caston!


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